Friday 4/5 as of 4:50 AM EST, we experience the first New Moon of the Astrological New Year.
This New Moon/New Year kicks off in the courageous sign of the Ram, Aries.
A New Moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle, the movement of the moon through its different phases.
New Moons are a time of new beginnings. The beginning of a new cycle, a time to initiate plans and projects, get things moving, a fresh start. Abundance typically surrounds this energy.
The Sun aligns with the Moon in the sky when it’s a New Moon meaning, that they are in the same sign-Aries.
This New Moon is particularly cathartic as it is the first one, and in the fiery, go -getting sign of the warrior! Seeds that are planted now will continue to sprout throughout the year.
The possibilities for positive growth and change are endless.
Aries is a Fire sign which is hot and active, bold and brazen. This sign does not like to sit still. It is also a Cardinal sign, meaning it starts things, it initiates.
What Aries initiates is the season of Spring. It brings us the gift of new life, a time of growth and action, a time of rebirth and renewal.
Under this New Moon energy we feel more motivated, more alive. Yet on some level, we still can feel sluggish and immovable.
We are connected to our past, reliving old storylines and deciphering the meaning behind our lives, our purpose.
South Node conjunct Saturn and Pluto, Squaring this new Moon is responsible for this. Saturn and Pluto are about to station retrograde this month, along with Jupiter. A lot of slow re-evaluation is taking place both internally and externally.
Now more-so than ever, we need to remember that at the end of the day we are souls here having a human experience and not the other way around!
We have deep emotions and suppressing and ignoring them is not the way to freedom and enlightenment.
True freedom and liberation come from facing the depths of the things and situations that are no longer working, and that is not always pretty in the moment. But it will be.
This is a time filled with hope and optimism for the future. It is a time to let go and clear away the toxicity, the gunk that is no longer serving our soul.
Are you going to revise your story? Rewrite a few chapters? Or begin a new story altogether?
Even with the challenges, this is a beautiful energy with the promise of new life.
Video below on this energy <3
PS- I goofed and said the New Moon in Taurus is 4/3- obviously that’s wrong! The Taurus New Moon is 5/3.
Peace & Love,