
Terms and Conditions

By booking a reading/session, you agree to the following Terms & Conditions.

  • All reading/session fees are prepaid and non-transferable.
  • The Client is 100% responsible for their own actions taken based upon having a session; you understand that there is no guarantee on the accuracy rate of a reading/session and that all predictive information should be used for as entertainment purposes only.
  • The services and information shared on this web site and during sessions are intended for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure disease nor replace any type of therapy or counseling.  The statements on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration.  If you have a medical problem, it is your responsibility to consult licensed professionals such as a Medical Doctor, Psychologist, Licensed Therapist or Lawyer for any Medical or Legal advice.
  • I hereby release Lisa Salvatore and Tarot by Lisa from all liability arising out of any reliance upon the readings/sessions/information given at this time or any time in the future.  I understand that by booking a reading/session I am agreeing to the terms and conditions on lisasalvatore.com.
  • You must be 18-years or older to receive a reading or session.
  • If you need to reschedule, you can do so at no additional charge more than 24 hours PRIOR to your scheduled appointment.
  • If a rescheduling request is made within 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment, you will be required to pay the full cost of the reading/session.  We appreciate your courtesy and understanding in this matter.
  • There are no rescheduling options given if you do not answer/show at the time of your appointment.


Please keep in mind that I’m not a fortune-teller because the future is not predestined.  I provide insightful guidance, offer you advice and help you to act within your best interests.  Circumstances, human behavior, and free will decisions can influence or determine results and outcome. It is unethical for me to make any promises or guarantees. Readings are for entertainment purposes only.

All completed readings are non-refundable.

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