
Eclipse Season Begins! New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse- With ‘Vlog’

Welcome July and “rabbit rabbit”!

*Rabbit Rabbit is a superstition in Britain and North America that is said to bring in good luck for the month ahead.  Say it twice aloud upon waking on the 1st of each month.

June was charged up and chaotic, with peaks and valleys.  July is more of the same and perhaps a bit more, well, intense.

We have several planets still retrograde with Mercury about to go as well, we are under Cancer water energy, and we are beginning Eclipse season!  Phew….I feel it all just typing this!

7/2 as of 3:16PM EST, we will experience a Total Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Cancer.

New Moons are positive times to begin new projects, to make a fresh start, to get things going.

Eclipses are basically New Moons on steroids, with a lot of charged and fated activity surrounding them.  They are right on major points, the North and South Nodes.

This New Moon has a lot of growth, positivity and abundance supporting and surrounding it.  

At this time we are under the sign of Cancer, the sign that rules the home, the security and the foundation.  The outer foundation yes, but more importantly the inner foundation and security.

All of the signs rule over certain parts of the body.  Cancer the Crab rules the chest, breast and belly.

As far as the belly goes, questions to ask yourself at this time are : what feeds me emotionally?  What am I hungry for?  What do I desire?  Am I getting it and if not, how can I?  Then working towards it.

We are at a time where fate and free-will are colliding and this can feel crucial.

There could be an unexpected surprise or two in store.

These surprises could be welcome or unwelcome, but one thing is for certain: there are changes afoot.

Emotionally, physically and spiritually we are all affected,  and in different ways under Eclipse energy.

What are these pivotal times trying to reveal to you?  No, it does not have to be that dramatic.

Watch below for more….

If you need some clarity, or you would like to discuss your personal astrology to see what these Eclipses have in store for you, please go here to view availability and/or to schedule a session.  

*Be sure to book the Astrology consultation “Current transits only”.

Peace & Love,


Much Love,


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