We are halfway through the month of June, and now halfway through the year! Can you believe it?
June 2019 is a month that we will look back on and marvel at the way things have shifted. This could be an internal process, an external process, or both.
Cosmically there is quite a bit of activity. Our emotional and physical bodies do get affected, make no mistake.
We feel quite a bit, and often times might not give the credit to the cosmos, but yes, this is a huge part of it.
Spiritually we can feel more tuned-in, more compassionate and open , yet avoidance could be a part of this process as well.
One thing is for certain: change is afoot.
It is time to confront our fears, to face the reality of who we truly are, where we are headed.
Ask yourself : do I need to redirect my course altogether or simply alter the current path? Perhaps you feel and do nothing, and that is ok too.
We are gearing up for two Eclipses this July as well, so this energy is ramping up!
Watch below for more info on the current energy and remember : stay grounded! Take good care of your physical body, take some time for quiet reflection.
Peace & Love,