This energy is intense- everyone is feeling it.
Tomorrow, 1/17 as of 9:17 AM we have a New Moon in the sign of the studious and determined Goat, Capricorn.
Not only is this the first New Moon of the year, but it is the New Moon right before a series of Eclipses from 1/31-8/11! Whoa.
Expect some major changes to take place for us all.
New Moons represent new beginnings.
Technically speaking, the New Moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle, the movement of the moon through its different phases.
The Sun aligns with the Moon in the sky when it’s a New Moon.
It is a time when creativity peaks, and we desire to manifest the new .
Because we are under a whole lot of Earthy – Capricorn energy (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Pluto are all in Capricorn), we need to do something, to go somewhere, to implement plans.
Capricorn is a Cardinal sign meaning- movement and initiation.
We desire to move mountains, we are determined to thrust forward with fever. Yet this energy is asking that we slow down, think things through, go into our hearts before making big decisions- and big decisions are at the forefront.
As mentioned above, New Moons are about new beginnings but this one is also very indicative of endings. After all, we must finish one chapter before we can begin to read the next one, right?
These endings/changes include but are not limited to- financial situations, relationships, living situations, lifestyle.
Any area that needs a ‘tune-up’ in your life will feel under the microscope at this time.
You will feel the pressure building up – the energy surge.
Intuition is high and we are extra sensitive, so pay close attention to your innermost feelings. Follow your heart as it is in alignment with your soul and will guide you to where you need to be.
Trust and have faith as hard as that feels right now.
Meditate, go within and the answers will come.
Acknowledge what is being brought to the surface by the light of the Moon at this time, as it will be very telling of the theme for the next six months. The theme for what you will be dealing with personally.
This is the last Moon cycle before we are hit with intense and cathartic Eclipse energy from the end of this month (Blue Moon/Eclipse In Leo) straight through August.
It will feel like the wave keeps on breaking just above your head. Do you dive in and ride or do you run back to shore? That’s the question.
Bottom line: this energy can be great for making a plan, for implementing a strategy to take you where you need to and want to, ultimately end up. Change is supported right now. Ask for help if you need it.
The universe will always provide but you must be clear with your intentions.
Ask for what you want- envision what it feels and looks like for you and then step aside. If it is in your highest good, it will be provided in the way you wished for or greater.
Use this energy wisely and get real with yourself. The only thing certain right now is uncertainty. Take good care of yourself as resistance is extra low for everyone. I myself have been nursing a wicked cold/flu! Blah…..
Happy New Moon…
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Love & Light,