1/10 1:21 PM EST, we will experience the first Full Moon of the year and it happens to be a Lunar Eclipse.
A Lunar Eclipse is basically a Full Moon on steroids, so imagine why it may feel emotionally well, INTENSE right now.
Oh, that and the fact that this Full Moon resides in the natural and cozy sign of its home- emotional Cancer.
A Full Moon happens when the Sun is opposite the Moon.
This highlights the polarities (opposing forces) in our lives.
These polarities are of an emotional, physical and spiritual nature. It can be one area or all three, and each Full Moon will feel different based on the sign and planetary aspects surrounding the Moon.
Awareness and emotion reach their peak and are heightened around Full Moons. This is why we feel more edgy and anxious around these times, sometimes not even being able to sleep.
The Moon rules our subconscious, the raw emotions that lurk underneath the surface.
Everything comes to a head under this energy. There is a tug of war between head and heart at this time.
Since this is a Lunar Eclipse, this energy of the Full Moon is totally magnified and represents cycles in our lives.
Imagine how strong this feels, the pull of emotion we may feel under this energy.
This Eclipse/Full Moon is in the sign of Cancer, while the Sun is in the opposite sign of Capricorn.
We have several other planetary alignments at this time which are furthering the emotional undercurrent, contributing to us questioning everything.
Yes, we are meant to.
Heal, feel and deal is the theme for the first Full Moon of 2020.
Issues of home, our foundation, our work lives….all at the forefront.
We can feel stuck, bound, afraid but also craving change (thank you Uranus).
Perhaps all that needs to change is our mindset. Perhaps we need to make a physical change. Only you know.
This Eclipse is asking you to go deep, go into the soul, feel it all.
Please be sure to check out my Full Moon circle with drumming on 1/10 here. There are still some spots left.
More on this Eclipse below.
☮️ & ????