
Full Moon In Sensitive And Mystical Pisces today….

Today, we have a watery Full Moon in the sign of Pisces.

This occurs at 3:02 AM EST.  So technically tomorrow.

We are all highly sensitive under the influence of this Full Moon.

We are more emotional, more weepy than normal, dreams are prophetic, psychic experiences enhanced.

*If you are a Pisces, a Pisces rising, or especially, a Pisces Moon expect to really feel the ripples of this Full Moon.


Neptune is also conjunct this Full Moon in Pisces, really confusing an already confusing time!

Remember- Neptune rules Pisces, the underworld.  Intuition, illusion, boundaries and confusion.  This is Neptune.

With a Full Moon in Pisces, the sign ruled by Neptune, we receive a double-dose of mysticism, of magic.

Our compassionate nature is enhanced.  We develop our spiritual gifts (or at least the desire is there to do so).

We release, we surrender.

We are also still coming off the throes of the Solar Eclipse that occurred on 8/21, lets not forget.  Everything is heightened.  The energy is still quite intense.

We are all exhausted.

Do not feel dejected if after the Solar Eclipse nothing has seemed to shift for you.  These shifts are often gradual, and you may not see them for awhile.  The Solar Eclipse was also a New Moon, a time to make plans for the future.

Emotions run high.  Intuition is sharp but with Neptune so prominent, be careful of intuition vs. paranoia, as it it will be very easy to switch over to the dark side due to fear.

Neptune and this Full Moon shine a light on our vices.  How we cope (or do not cope ) with our emotions and our issues.  Do you drink your problems away?  Drown your sorrows in a bag of Oreo cookies?  Smoke a pack of cigarettes?  

Really look at this.  If something needs to be corrected, now is the time to get started. Any unhealthy vice under Neptune’s influence can quickly become a problem so take care.

There is a lot of illusion going on right now.  It is time to cut through that and discern the wheat from the chafe in your life.  Make adjustments accordingly.

Saturn, the planet we refer to as the ‘Father’ has his hand in this watery Full Moon as well.  There is no room for escapism while Saturn is present.  He demands we do our karmic work no matter how difficult or frustrating.

Pisces (and Neptune) are all about the intangible, the underworld.  Opposing energy is at work here.

Saturn needs evidence while Neptune relies on hunches.

Saturn says ‘show me’.  Neptune says ‘trust me’.

We feel it, we sense it, but yet we cannot see it.  Trusting your own intuition is key.  That is what this Full Moon in Pisces is all about.  The dreams that we possess in our own heart and soul and taking ownership of our own abilities to find the truth.

The Sun in Virgo is asking us to show up and figure out the ways we wish to be of service.  Mr. serious Saturn right alongside does not let up , as we struggle between all of this opposing energy.

Especially if you are not used to just trusting your own instincts to lead you where you need to go.  

The most important thing to remember at this time is to listen to your heart.  To trust yourself.  To really go deep and figure out where you wish to be and how you wish to feel.  Pisces feels.  Honor your soul and your feelings. 

Full Moons are a time for release.  Release what is no longer working for you.  Emotions, people, places, situations.

release prayer

Be sure to work with this magical Full Moon Energy.

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Love & Light,


Much Love,


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