
Happy August! This Month Roars In With Intense Energy And Illumination…

Happy August Everyone!

Are you feeling this intense energy?!  I bet you are- I sure am.

Why is that?  Well…..


The Sun is in Leo radiating warmth, fire & passion.  It’s all about the heart and soul this month, not the ego!

Out of the ego and into the soul.

We are under the anticipation and electric energy of two eclipses- one Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon in Aquarius on 8/7 and a Solar Eclipse/New Moon (which has been talked about for awhile now) in Leo on 8/21.

Uranus also stations retrograde as of today 8/3, Mercury goes retrograde 8/12 right smack in between two very potent eclipses and Saturn turns direct at the end of the month, just to name a few!

The sky is going cuckoo this month and well:

As Above So Below

In a nutshell- everything is illuminated at this time.  Our fears, our desires, our belief systems, our relationships.  Relationships with others, and more importantly, the relationship with self.  Assessing who you truly are and what you truly wish to be in this life feels very paramount at this time.

Out of the ego and into the soul.

We have a lot of other influences and planetary aspects going on at this time, which is really intensifying and shining a flashlight onto issues and situations in our lives.  July was energetic, but August will be potent.

Reading below. (Don’t mind what I look like I recorded this  yesterday, unplanned and just got over being sick) 😉

Watch/listen to hear what’s in store, and what’s expected.

As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or comments or to  schedule a session.

Love & Light,


Much Love,


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