
Intuitive Sessions Are A Great Complement To Therapy

Did you know that many people that I work with are also working with a Therapist?

I think this is wonderful for various reasons.

The main reason being that self-reflection is a gift and as you explore your soul, your true nature, it becomes a blessing.


 The only way out of anything is to go through it.

Tune in tonight, at 7:30 EST to my radio show ‘Get Grounded’.

WVOX channel 1460 AM.  Here’s the link to listen.

I have a special guest with me – Angela Conde.

Angela is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.  You can find her here.

Angela came to me as a ‘client’ and we quickly became friends.  She’s an amazing person and therapist.

On tonight’s show, we openly discuss the benefits of both an intuitive session, therapy, and how the two strongly mirror and complement each other.

Angela also talks about her first experience with me as well as her experience with my Tarot Workshop.

Both are very therapeutic and conducive to personal growth and development.

Remember: when you work on yourself, not only do you truly benefit- but those you love and cherish benefit as well!

Hope you can tune in!

You can listen to all former shows here

Click here to schedule an intuitive session with me

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Love & Light,


Much Love,


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