
Jupiter Turns Direct, Uranus Stations Retrograde, Full Moon In Aquarius!

On 8/11 expansive and lucky planet Jupiter will station direct in Sagittarius.  Jupiter has been retrograde since 4/10.

This transit has been a time to go within and assess our opportunities, our willingness for growth and advancement.

As Jupiter stations direct, a door or two can suddenly open for you, an opportunity may present itself.

This is an amazing time as Jupiter will be in his ‘home’ sign of Sagittarius until December 2019.  We will not see this again for twelve years and this is very auspicious!

On the very same day planet Uranus, the planet of freedom, change and liberation will station retrograde.  Two steps forward, two steps back.

Retrogrades are a time for reflection.

Since we are dealing with Uranus here, those doors that Jupiter might open could literally swing open, and hit you in the face!  This can be a good thing. 

Change is good, even when it starts off unexpectedly, even when initially disruptive.

Uranus is in the determined and steady Earth sign of Taurus, a sign that is slow to change.

Most definitely, Taurus does not do well with unexpected change.  Yet ultimately, breakthroughs and liberation are on the table both personally and collectively.

Uranus is the creative genius in the sky, responsible for flashes of brilliant intuitive insight and eccentricity.

When this planet is retrograde (which it will be until January 2020) – it is time to go within and tap into the creative genius in all of us.  We have five months of positive and potential breakthroughs.

Questions to ponder while Uranus is retrograde are:

What makes me special?

What makes me unique?

Am I expressing my true self, warts and all?

Am I living for me, or am I living for what others expect of me?

This retrograde is going to highlight the ways in which we can feel restricted, and where we crave our freedom.

Above all else, Uranus ‘the awakener’, cannot stand to be boxed in or held back.  This is the planet of independance.

Our finances and our self-worth can come up for reevaluation as well under this retrograde.

Remember, most of the time that we are feeling ‘not good enough’, it is only ourselves, our ego, that is getting in the way.

Looking to the root of those feelings can ultimately free you.  Uranus = freedom.

We have a Full Moon in Aquarius on 8/15 as well and Mercury is finally out of the waters of Cancer and into the outwardly expressive sign of Leo.  Communication with others and the way we speak to ourselves begins to feel lighter, less soggy, less emotionally volatile. 

Watch below for more on this energy

✌️ & ????


Much Love,


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