
Last Full Moon Of The Year Today And It’s a Super Moon in Gemini..

Today 12/3 as of 10:47 AM EST we have a Full Super Moon in Gemini.

Full Moons happen when the Sun is opposite the Moon.

This highlights the polarities (opposing forces), in our lives.

These polarities are of an emotional, physical and spiritual nature.  It can be one area or all three, and each Full Moon will feel different based on the sign and planetary aspects surrounding the Moon.

Awareness and emotion reach their peak and are heightened around Full Moons.

We also cannot help but feel anxious and jumpy as the energy is buzzing right now.

The fact that this is a Super Moon only amplifies the already intense vibes.

This Full Moon packs an extra celestial punch as it falls under the sign of the communicative twins, Gemini, and it is the same day that Mercury turns retrograde.  What. The. !@#$

Mercury is also Geminis natural ruler.

This means that communication and revelations of all kinds are the themes of our last Full Moon of the year.

We have reached a point where we must stop and go deep into our heart center.

The desire is present for heart-felt and meaningful communication, but due to the energy ‘say what you mean to say’ can most definitely feel, and go awry.

We must get real with ourselves, and with others about where we are and where we wish to be.

Communication with others will happen and it is important to keep our thoughts and our words in check as it will be way-to-easy to fly off the handle due to misinformation and enhanced tempers.

Like Santa Claus, make your list but check it twice. Actually, check it three times- Mercury is retrograde after all.

You will find out who has been naughty or nice as well- that’s the nature of this Super Moon.  


Sudden revelations come, like it or not.  Truths will be revealed.  Some unexpected, some expected.

Just trust that anything that comes to you or is revealed is for your highest good.

As long as you are communicating from an authentic place, there should be nothing to worry about.

Consequently, this is a time where if you have been misleading and/or dishonest, it may just come around to bite you in the ass.

Also, if others have been dishonest with you, this is a time that you will likely be presented with some less-than-desirable information that could hurt you, but ultimately it will release you from a toxic or negative situation / relationship.

Welcome it as it is likely overdue and for the best.

Watch your words, watch your actions.

This Full Super Moon is like a mini ‘Judgement Day’, if you will.

Any area(s) where you may have cut corners intentionally or unintentionally, will also come back around for revision, and then clearance.

Neptune, our planet of smoke and mirrors and psychic awareness- is very present with the energy right now.  Neptune is squaring both the Sun and the Moon.  This lends to the ‘foggy’ feeling surrounding our emotions and perceptions.

Neptune at this time with the Full Moon asks that we surrender spiritually.  

This is very difficult for those that need tangible evidence of what is happening within them and around them.

Neptune doesn’t need facts.  This planet needs you to simply trust your psychic awareness.

Again, not easy for some but the beauty is found in the unknown.

Trusting that everything that is brought your way is a lesson of some sort, and accepting changing circumstances is the key right now.  

Due to this Neptune aspect around this Full Moon/ Mercury Retro, we may experience even more trouble with communication .  We may think we are saying one thing, when in actuality, it comes out entirely the wrong way and is perceived even more wrong than we intended.

Remember- Neptune also just went direct so we are still feeling this really really weird energy.

On the positive side- this is the last Full Moon of the year, and is truly all about new beginnings and magic!

Truth is coming, which will lead to new beginnings.  This includes connecting to the truth of who you really are – which is basically a soul that is having a human experience. 

Recognize that nothing is permanent.  Digest this as you begin to navigate your life in the new year.

Even if these new beginnings feel forced upon you, trust the bigger picture and know in your soul that the universe will never let you fall flat on your face.

There will always be a silver lining.  You must trust, honor and believe in a greater power.

Even though 2017 was/is technically a “1” year, the year of  ‘The Magician’, new beginnings and manifestation- 2018 is a ‘2’ and is all about success and prosperity, seeing the fruits of our labors, abundance-  the year of creation.

Use the energy of this last Full Moon to embrace all that you are, to celebrate yourself and your life.

Release what no longer serves you for once and for all.

On our last New Moon of the year in Sagittarius on 12/18, we do a major reevaluation and then manifestation of what we wish to bring in for 2018.  There is a hopeful optimism going into next year despite other factors happening around us.

Love & Light to all, and make good use of this last Full Super Moon of 2017!

May you release all that no longer serves you, and may you bring in nothing but peace, love and prosperity.

If you would like to schedule a session or purchase a gift certificate, please go here.

20% of each session purchased during the month of December will be donated to the Make-A-Wish foundation.

Much Love,


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