
Leo Season Begins! Time To Lighten Up…..

Today 7/22, the Sun shifts from emotional and security-oriented Cancer into the warm and heart-centered sign of the feisty lion, Leo.

Happy Birthday to all of the Lion’s of the zodiac!

The last few weeks have been emotionally intense, as we have been under quite a bit of Water energy , the sign of Cancer.  We are also smack in the middle of Eclipse season which illuminates everything, and right at the heels of Mercury Retrograde which occurs on 7/26.

As the Sun shifts into Leo, we are now under the element of Fire.  Leo searches for fun and positivity, and underneath it all there is the desire to get out there and play.

We become more action-oriented under Fiery Leo, more hopeful and more bold.

Leo is a warm sign that is ruled by the Sun, the sign of the heart and is also a fixed sign- meaning persistent, single-minded, determined, and resourceful.  The other Fixed Signs are Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius.

We are being asked under Leo energy to find the courage, to get to the heart of the matter(s) in our lives.  It is also time to put yourself out there and face what needs to be faced, to bring awareness to where we are feeling confident and not-so-confident.

Leo is a sign that typically does not hide behind the shadows!  This is me, this is how it is, like it or not- this is Leo.

At their most positive Leo’s are warm, strong, loyal, generous and big-hearted, courageous and helpful.  They are authentic and often enjoy the limelight in some capacity.

At their most negative Leo’s can be vain, headstrong, domineering, forceful, egotistical and possessive.  Remember: all signs operate on both higher and lower ends of expression.   You choose how to work with your energy it does not choose how to work with you!

Try to enjoy the next few days as we get ready for more intense energy!  Friday, 7/26 planet Mercury- our planet of communication and travel, goes Retrograde until 8/19.  We also have a Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon in Aquarius the following day, 7/27.

What does that all mean for us energetically?  Stay tuned….video blog coming up over the next few days…..

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Peace & Love,


Much Love,


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