
New Moon In Scorpio- Are You In Alignment With Your Heart?

That’s a loaded question, isn’t it…  well, are you?

We have a New Moon today , Wednesday 11/7 as of 11:01 AM EST, in the sign of the deep and watery Scorpio.  I don’t know about you , but I sure am ready for Sagittarius season!

New Moons represent new beginnings.  Sometimes, these new beginnings are accompanied by challenges…this is definitely one of those times.

A New Moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle, the movement of the moon through its different phases.

It is also a time of initiation, fresh energy and manifestation.  It is a great time for a new start, a time to begin projects of all kinds.  

The Sun aligns with the Moon in the sky when it’s a New Moon which is why they are in the same sign at this time-Scorpio.

So much Scorpio energy right now, and it can feel too intense for some, especially if you are not used to ‘the feels’.  Acknowledging them, indulging in them an expressing them is the way to true enlightenment.

Dreams are especially lucid and potent right now, giving us lots of psychic insight so pay attention!  They do have meaning.  Especially if you are a fixed sign ( Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius ).  Intuitive insight is off the charts.

This powerful New Moon in Scorpio has us right smack in the middle of many planetary shifts and transitions, really ramping up and adding to the already intense and sensual energy.

This is a very emotional time and the major question is if we are in alignment with our heart.  You may not consciously be asking yourself this question, but a lot of circumstances and instances will point you in that direction right now.  So, how are you feeling?

Flow, and not force or resist is the key.

On the technical level, planet Uranus, the great awakener and master of electric and ‘out there’ surprises, moves back into Aries which always creates ripples within us, and outside of us (think, the weather).

Venus, the planet that rules love and money and our pleasure principles is still retrograde now in Libra, and Mercury is about to go retrograde the same day Venus goes direct.  There is more….

Stay strong and don’t be afraid to dive beneath the surface….for this is where the treasures are!

Video below with read for the week ahead….

Peace & Love,


Much Love,


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