
New Moon In Taurus

Happy Earth Day and Happy New Moon!

Quite possibly, the most productive earth day we’ve had in a long time!  The earth sure is replenishing, rejuvenating during this time of  ‘quiet’, able to exhale.

4/22 at 10:26 PM EST, we experience the 2nd New Moon of 2020.

A New Moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle, the movement of the moon through its different phases.

New Moons are a time of new beginnings.  The beginning of a new cycle, a time to initiate plans and projects, get things moving, a fresh start.  

Abundance surrounds this energy.

New Moons are auspicious times filled with promise and opportunity.

The Sun aligns with the Moon in the sky when it’s a New Moon meaning, that they are in the same sign –Taurus.

Taurus, a fixed earth sign, desires to grow and to nurture everything.

There is so much activity in the heavens, in the world and yes, they interconnect.

One word that keeps coming up repeatedly for me is resources.  Learning how to do without, and learning how to do with resources differently.  This can be very positive.

In these times of scarcity, fear and uncertainty there is a silver lining.  It is in times of disruption and pain that the greatest growth occurs!

More on this New Moon below, it is a fairly positive one considering….it one of growth and creativity.

✌️ & ???? ,


Much Love,


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