
October Is HereπŸ‚πŸŽƒπŸ

‘Rabbit Rabbit, it’s the first of the month. May October usher in good news and positive energy for us all.

October is hands down, my favorite month of the year. The shorter days and longer nights, the crisp air in the morning and the evening, the smells of the season and …HALLOWEEN! What’s not to love?

Let’s get right down to it. The month of October is going to serve to be a very deep and introspective month, on all levels.

As a collective, we are facing many different challenges and new ways of navigating familiar situations. Personally as well, the call is upon us and we are being guided to make changes .

This can feel very unsettling as we reconstruct many situations, and relationships, in our lives.

The first half of this month, we have four of the seven planets currently retrograde, stationing direct.

When the planets are shifting, we can feel quite unsettled ‘down here’. Depending on how sensitive to energy you are, and depending on your own personal astrology this is more apparent for some than others.

Mercury is retrograde as of 9/27, and Pluto will station direct on 10/6. Mercury and Pluto are facing off with each other producing an energy of ‘ do I, don’t I’, ‘will I, won’t I’. This feels feisty and combative at times, but the end game is clarity and awareness of a higher ideal.

The New Moon in Libra takes place on 10/6.

7:05 AM ET, we have our New Moon at 13Β°24′ Of Libra.

New Moons are always about new beginnings and fertility. This is where we plant our seeds, where we put our hopes and wishes.

Look to the part of your birth chart that contains Libra to see which area(s) have the potential for new life, new growth. Be sure to put your desires and words to paper, and remember that words and thoughts have tremendous power!

This New Moon is closely linked to Mars, highlighting truth and actions to be taken when the time is right. Also aspecting Uranus, there can be a quickening of the energy. Thankfully with all of the Libra energy, we will feel inclined to take our time, to weight it all out, to see all sides.

A nice trine to Jupiter can serve to even it all out, and perhaps some good news comes in…wouldn’t that be nice?

Faith, hope and optimism.

On 10/10 Saturn will station direct, so we can expect to have some reveals around rules and structures. Saturn represents the status quo in systems of power and government.

On 10/17 Jupiter will then station direct. Jupiter represents expansion and truth.

With Saturn and Jupiter both stationing direct in Aquarius, there could be much revealed on both the personal and collective levels. We can expect some breakthroughs of information that can feel like a mixed bag of sorrow and relief.

Divine energy and intervention is at play here, keep the faith.

Remember that all we can control and maintain is our own energy! This is so important under these times.

Here is a quick video with some tips on how to protect and maintain your own energy. I hope something in here helps you.

Much Love,


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