
Pisces Lunar Eclipse

A New Story Unfolds… Through 2027!

September 17th at approximately 10:34 PM ET, we have a Full Moon in Pisces. This is not just an ordinary Full Moon however, but a Lunar Eclipse.

A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon, and Earth line up in such a way that The Moon is obscured by the Earth’s shadow. As this is a partial Lunar Eclipse, the Moon is partially obscured.

This Full Moon sits close to the North node, indicative of the future and what is to come. Eclipses can only occur near The North and South Nodes of the Moon, and these are known as ‘points of destiny’. This is why when it is Eclipse season, we can almost smell the electricity in the air. The winds of change are upon us, and fate often plays a strong hand in our lives around these points.

The Pisces Lunar Eclipse is initiating a series of Eclipses to occur in the signs of Pisces/Virgo, lasting through 2027. Eclipses are catalysts, agents of change. Sometimes loud, sometimes soft but when we reflect, we can usually pinpoint the theme(s) of what will be highlighted.

Growth and change are imminent during these cycles.

For frame of reference, reflect back to the time periods listed below as these where when we had precious Eclipses along the Pisces/Virgo Axis. If you can recall, what was going on in your reality that carried significance and/or, transformative energy? *Dates are approximate, can be slightly earlier or later for some.

March 20, 2015-September 12, 2015

March 8, 2016-September 1, 2016

September 1, 2016- September 16, 2016

February 26, 2017

This Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse is highlighting our own unique creativity & sensitivity. We can feel quite emotional so it is important to allow the ebb and flow of your emotions to surface, to embrace what you are feeling.

Pisces is one of the most naturally psychic signs of the zodiac. Full Moons increase our intuition and awareness, and a Lunar Eclipse is a turbo-charged Full Moon… see where I am going here?

Honor your hunches and your intuition. These are transmissions from your soul, your spirit, your higher self. Remember: the soul knows the way! At the same time, it is important to protect your energy and remain discerning. Paranoia and fear may also be increased.

Ruled by expansive and benevolent Jupiter, Pisces is a sign that is compassionate and altruistic, very connected to the vibration of consciousness. Connectedness is a strong theme for this water sign.

Also ruled by Neptune, ‘The God Of The Seas’ this sign has amazingly strong intuition and endless streams of creativity to tap into. But alas, there is a shadow side to all energies and the trick with Neptune and Pisces, is to not allow ourselves to get swept away by emotion, to get lost at sea.

When we are dealing with Pisces, it is way too easy to become ungrounded and or, unrealistic with our hopes and visions. At the same time, we are reminded of the magic all around us, and the power of faith and belief. We are reminded how good humans can truly be, when we remain in the vibration of love. But we must be careful to not spiritual bypass!

Cue the opposite sign of Virgo, where the Sun is transiting. Virgo is a practical and methodical Earth sign. Where the water sign of Pisces is the dreamer, Virgo is the realist. These opposite signs want the same outcome, but they go about it differently; it is all about alchemizing and working with the opposing energies. Hence, the main theme of a Full Moon, balancing opposites.

Fact, faith and fantasy are keywords for these next few years of Eclipses.

Rest assured, we will all be reminded both collectively and especially personally, how all of the above can and will, coexist.

Most important, Pisces/Virgo is the axis of health & healing. This speaks to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and well-being. Expect many glimmers and reminders of where you are out of balance in these areas. At times it may get roaringly loud as Eclipses will and are meant to shake us up, initiating sweeping changes.

Part 2: Practical Guidance For The Pisces Eclipse

Expect the unexpected: keep some corners of your schedule free and flexible, just in case you need to make last minute adjustments. Allow yourself some breathing room, and schedule some down time.

Flow, Do Not Force: Surrender is a key word for the sign of Pisces. Try to avoid beginning anything brand new during the Eclipse window (which is in effect until the next Eclipse on October 2nd).

Identify Numbing Patterns & Escapist Behaviors: Reflect upon your habits, incorporate more balancing practices to stay grounded. What would be most empowering for you to let go of? Admit to yourself where you may be ‘numbing’ out and allow yourself to feel. If the tears flow, allow them. They are cleansing.

Let Your Creativity Flow: We are all creative! Paint, dance, color, cook. Do whatever makes you feel alive, without having it feel like a chore.

Honor & Set Your Boundaries: Pisces sometimes have a difficult time figuring out where they end, and another begins. Limit your exposure to draining and toxic influences and behaviors. Preserve your peace to maintain mental clarity.

Prioritize Rest & Rejuvenation: Get out into nature, go for walks. Be sure to wind down each day and spend time away from your devices. Try and turn in earlier, get adequate sleep.

Pay Attention To The Astrology & Energy Patterns: You can always subscribe to my weekly LIVE forecast to receive weekly wisdom, and receive support through the community.

Meditate & Journal: Here is a guided Full Moon meditation to support you.

Part 3: Crystals To Support You During This Eclipse

Lepidolite: Release Old Patterns

Lepidolite is ideal for assisting in the release of old patterns and stagnant emotions. This crystal can help you navigate the transformative energy of the Lunar Eclipse by promoting and restoring emotional balance, and fostering a sense of calm.

Clear Quartz: Amplify & Purify Energy

Clear Quartz is one of the ultimate cleansing crystals, and is very versatile. This crystal amplifies our energy and intentions. Use it to enhance your emotional clarity and to magnify the intuitive insights that this Pisces Full Moon/ Lunar Eclipse is bound to bring to light.

Amethyst: Spiritual Growth & Calm

Amethyst is known for its ability to support spiritual growth and deepen meditation. This crystal can facilitate a stronger connection to your inner wisdom, helping you navigate the emotional and spiritual currents of this Eclipse. Amethyst is also a very calming and soothing stone. Sleeping with a piece under your pillow for example, may assist you with insomnia.

Apophyllite: Mental Clarity & Intuitive Visions

Apophyllite offers mental clarity and enhances intuitive vision. Keep this crystal close to help you stay clear-headed and focused, ensuring that you can make sense of the insights and revelations that emerge during this time.

In the above video, we go through much more about this particular Eclipse, and the series it will initiate. I also go through all of the twelve signs in detail.

One final thought: Pisces is the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac. As such, it carries the vibration of all twelve signs before it, and always gets us prepared for a brand new cycle.

In the words of Walt Disney:

“All you need is faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust”!

Much Love,


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