
How To Protect Yourself And Boost Immunity During Cold/Flu Season

Happy Sunday!

Tune in to my radio show tonight 2/4 at 7:30PM on WVOX Radio as we ‘Get Grounded’ mind, body, soul.

You can listen live right here.  *If you cannot listen live, you can listen to the recording by clicking on the ‘Media’ tab at the top of this Webpage.  The show link will be available later on this week.

I have my friend and herbalist Tina Triburgo, LCSW with me.  We will be discussing natural remedies to keep adults and children healthy during flu season.

Tina makes some kick-ass Elderberry Syrup amongst other things- “Tina’s Tinctures”.  Elderberry is amazing and is a natural immune system booster.  It also helps to lower blood sugar, ease allergies and kick out sinus infections- with a host of other benefits.  You can find Tina on Facebook as Tina Triburgo-lcsw.

Cold and flu season is never a pleasure, but this year has been particularly bad, even dangerous.  Many have received the flu shot, only to contract the virus regardless.  Everywhere you turn someone else is sick and getting hit hard.  I myself was out for the count for almost two full weeks!

I always go the natural route first and foremost.   I am an advocate for keeping the body as balanced and nourished as possible- food truly is medicine!

The human body is a magnificent machine and will heal itself if left to ‘do its thing’.  Obviously there will be times that you may need a prescription antibiotic, but did you know that you have many powerful and safe antibiotics right in your kitchen?  Many natural cold & flu fighters which also have other amazing health benefits?

Just to name a few…..

-Raw Garlic

-Apple Cider Vinegar

-Raw honey


-Ginger root

Tune in tonight to hear more…..

Love & Light,


Much Love,


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