Lisa Salvatore
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Intuitive Read For The Week Ahead

Happy Monday,

Hope everyone had a lovely and somewhat relaxing weekend.

* This Thursday, 9/21, I am facilitating another “Journey Into The Tarot”, workshop in Eastchester, NY.  There are still some spots left!  If you are interested , please find more info here– these are a lot of fun and quite informative!

This weeks read is brought to you by Sandra Ann Taylor’s ‘Energy Oracle Deck’- intuited by yours truly.

Today I felt like avoiding the tarot and using an energy deck instead, but the messages carry just as much weight.

I’ve meditated, prayed and shuffled over these cards.

I have pulled: Caring Connections, The Fifth Chakra (Throat Chakra)- Archangel Gabriel, and Hostilities.


This week is all about getting in touch, and staying in touch with those closest to our hearts.

This includes getting in touch, and checking in with , ourselves!

What are we doing ?  Where are we going?  Are we happy with our story line?  

If not, it’s time to re-write the current script.

With so many planets in Virgo right now, we are feeling very analytical and quite serious about putting our lives back in, or in, working order.  

Physically, mentally and spiritually.

Do not be afraid to ask those you care about for some assistance where you may need it.

Everyone is feeling a bit on edge.  It is easy to go into hermit mode under the energy this week, but in reality, there is safety to be found in numbers.  Stick with those you trust and you know have your back.

The week begins with the best of intentions.  We are coming off of some highly charged, energetic times, and we seek comfort in the familiar.

We feel ready for action, ready to get things moving.

As the week progresses, around Wednesday, our jovial spirits quickly spiral back to that which irritates us.

That which we wish we could avoid.

Tempers flare as we seek to tear apart anything or anyone that challenges us.  We are all on our own mission at this time, and some will have a personal agenda that they do not want challenged.

There is also a New Moon the 19th/20th, which has some emotional contradictions surfacing in all of us, adding to this energy.

Be mindful of challenging others beliefs this week as it can turn from love to hostility, quite quickly.

As we are under the influence of Virgo which is ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind, words and communication- this will be displayed through our words.

Virgo can be blunt.  Virgo can cut like a sword with its words.

Be mindful mid-week about how you are verbalizing your thoughts as something you say can quckly bring about some animosity from someone in your camp.

Also be careful about what you put in writing, particularly having to do with emails, and especially email addresses that belong to another source- such as , a company email.

On the positive side, communication is ever so present.

Thursday/ Friday brings in a lot of  fluid communication, perhaps even clearing the air where needed.

Try to avoid being vague in your communication, yet at the same time be sure to articulate your words in a way that cannot be misconstrued into what others wish to hear.

In other words, be clear and truthful, but kind as well.  

Speak the truth but keep others level of emotional comprehension in mind.

We all accept and perceive information differently.

If there are things you need to say, or anything that needs to be put in writing, thursday/friday are good days for this.  These two days will have the throat chakra (communication) protected and a much more clear way of communicating will be present.

Less of a chance for misinterpretation as well.

While expressing yourselves this week, pay careful attention to the way in which you use your words.  Doing so can avoid uneccesary drama, particularly at work or your place of service.

Those signing any kind of document- wednesday-friday seems best for that.

All in all this week seems a little edgy but conducive for verbal communication.  Written communication will have more of a chance of miscommunication, so pay more attention to that.

Be present and be mindful and all should be well.

To schedule a session, please go here

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Love & Light,


Much Love,


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