
How Recent Solar Flares Are Affecting Us Physically And Emotionally

Everything is connected- I always say this.

I woke up pulled to write about this as I’ve noticed a lot of people that I have been working with and am in contact with, are experiencing physical, spiritual and emotional bursts of energy – and they are confused as to what is going on.

*Disclaimer- always see a medical professional before you assume what you are experiencing is not in fact, a medical issue.

We are in the mist of intense Solar Flares.  September 4th (last monday) is when we had the first burst.

What are Solar Flares?

From Wikipedia

A solar flare is a sudden flash of brightness observed near the Sun’s surface. It involves a very broad spectrum of emissions, requiring an energy release of up to 6 × 1025 joules of energy  (roughly the equivalent of 160,000,000,000 megatons of TNT… Flares are often, but not always, accompanied by a coronal mass ejection. The flare ejects clouds of electrons, ions, and atoms through the corona of the sun into space. These clouds typically reach Earth a day or two after the event.

We have just experienced the strongest Solar Flare in twelve (12) years!


How do these Solar Flares Affect Us?

This space weather phenomenon can affect us emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Children and pets are very affected as well so please pay close attention to these little people and realize how much more sensitive and receptive they are to energy!  They don’t have any bias, they are simply pure and perfect.

Solar Flares when they occur (again, they began on 9/4 and as of 9/8 we were still experiencing bursts), can really affect us biologically.  As a result, we may feel as if we have lost our ability to cope as we keep spinning our wheels, rotating on our axis.

Just like the earth.

*Keep in mind, the affects are not always felt immediately, yet gradually and can intensify over a span of time potentially up to two months after the flares!

Our central nervous system can be affected, messing with our equilibrium.  We may feel off center, not right.

Our behavior may seem different as well.

What’s really happening is that from the higher-consciousness level, these flares serve to transform us on a cellular level.  We are energy, remember that!

As we shift and realign, we are compelled to break old patterns and make changes in our lives that will impact us profoundly for years to come.

If you follow astrology at all, then you know that along with all the planetary energy we have been experiencing, change is the name of the game.

Often this is felt more on the sub -conscious level, making it more of an internal shift. This can have our deepest fears coming up to the surface.

Below are some common symptoms that you may experience during a period of solar storm activity:

* A lot of these symptoms mimic the ascension A.K.A- ‘Spiritual Awakening’- process.   I will be posting about that again soon. 

  • feeling off’ kilter – not centered
  • feeling very overwhelmed, difficulty coping
  • dizzy spells/vertigo
  • headaches/migraines/pressure in head & face
  • high pitched ringing in ears
  • visual disturbances
  • increased sensitivity
  • heart flutters/palpitations
  • pressure in chest
  • anxiety and feeling jittery
  • nausea and stomach upset
  • hot flashes
  • sleep issues such as interrupted sleep, very little sleep
  • exhausted and lethargic
  • depressed and an overall feeling of despair
  • elevated blood pressure
  • stressed out & worried
  • vivid dreams, often stressful
  • brain fog
  • technology issues become more obvious as well

It is a process like anything else and the more you understand it, hopefully it will help you to cope.

So how to we deal with the potential human impact of the Solar Flares? 

Below are some suggestions to help you cope.

  • honor your body- rest when you need to
  • take salt baths
  • exercise- or whatever helps relieve your anxiety, do it
  • drink a lot of water- pure, filtered water preferably
  • eat healthy foods that nourish
  • watch your alcohol intake
  • get outside-nature is medicine
  • limit your time with negative people and avoid drama
  • spend time with people that make you laugh
  • trust that this is a real process and respect it-and yourself

I hope that this post has given you a sense of peace and understanding.

Please feel free to write me with any questions or comments.

To read what a session is like with me , click here.

If you would like to schedule a session to see what’s in store for you, please go here.

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Love & Light,


Much Love,


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