Great Workshop Coming Up Next Weekend, Sunday 7/8!
Time: 1PM-3PM with a Q&A Follow Up
Where: Private Residence in White Plains, West Chester County Area (to be disclosed once registered).
Sorry for the short notice, but my dear friend and fellow Nutrition Expert is coming into town next weekend.
Between the two of us, we have quite a bit of knowledge of foods and lifestyle tweaks that will help slow down ,and even possibly reverse, the aging process. Click link below for all details.
*Space is limited so please sign up as soon as you can if you are interested by using this link.
In this workshop we will share a lot of great and effective health hacks with you, demonstrate how to cook/use specific foods and supplements, and send you home with some goodies!
Did you know that there are plenty of natural foods and natural anti-aging properties that you should be incorporating into your life/diet every single day?
You can keep yourself remaining youthful way beyond your fifties, sixties and seventies! It’s all about the mind, body, soul connection. You feed one, you feed all three- it’s all connected!
We hope to see you and a friend there!
Love & Light,