
Scorpio Season And A New Moon πŸŒ‘

Happy Birthday Scorpio, it’s your season. May you enjoy all of the gifts of the universe and then some as you celebrate youπŸŽ‰!

October 22/23, the Sun has officially entered the deep and probing sign of Scorpio.

Ruled by Mars, Scorpio is no stranger to force, drive and tremendous tenacity. Scorpio’s modern day ruler is Pluto, otherwise known as ‘The Lord Of The Underworld’, and Pluto is also a higher octave of the planet Mars.

All of this to say, even though Scorpio is not a fire sign, there is a fire inside Scorpio. This sign is very passionate. Both the sign and season of Scorpio , are all about acknowledging the shadow that resides in all of of us.

Scorpio is a fixed water sign. In its highest form of expression, this sign is Intuitive, emotional, protective and determined. The shadow side of this sign is that it can be spiteful, revengeful, paranoid and manipulative.

Underneath it all this sign is fiercely loyal, but don’t cross them or you will get the stinger of that Scorpion!

If I had to choose a word for the next few weeks, it would be unsettled.

Do what you can to keep your personal energy flowing. Get outside and move. Dance, play, listen to music…all very therapeutic at the soul level. Find the joy in the small moments.

Yesterday, I played soccer with my six year-old nephew. He’s the sweetest little bugger but he bosses me around when we play games and we actually argue (it is quite humorous). Yesterday was no different…. but I will say, I had a BLAST running around with him, kicking that ball…he made me laugh so hard. My back is sore as anything today though!

Point being, children remind us of the simple joys in life. Go into these spaces when you are feeling low as it will shift your energy. Watch a funny movie, have a date with a friend. Laughter truly is the best medicine.

On November 4th 5:14 PM ET, we have a New Moon at 12Β° 40′ of Scorpio.

A New Moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle, the movement of the moon through its different phases.

New Moons are a time of new beginnings.  The beginning of a new cycle, a time to initiate plans and projects, get things moving, a fresh start. 

Abundance surrounds this energy.

New Moons are auspicious times filled with promise and opportunity. Just like the Moon, we realign and begin anew, a new cycle is born.

The Sun aligns with the Moon in the sky when it’s a New Moon meaning, that they are in the same sign –Scorpio.

Almost in an exact opposition to the shake-em-up planet, Uranus, it’s wise to not get too attached to any one outcome.

Circumstances are definitely in flux, both on the personal and collective levels.

Positively, this energy can break you out of stagnancy, and a shake-up may be just what is break you out to break you through. This is the energy of this New Moon.

To work with this New Moon constructively, harness the power of the Uranian energy by stepping outside of your comfort zone. Look to new ways of doing the old, perhaps going at a situation from a completely different angle and perspective.

Mercury in Libra is in a trine to Jupiter in Aquarius around this New Moon. This energy is supporting us with logical and futuristic ways of thinking, fresh ideas and perspectives.

On the emotional level, everything feels much deeper under this energy, much more sensitive.

Our connections are infused with the need to find the deeper meaning of it all, to explore otherwise unchartered territory.

Remember: Scorpio doesn’t really do superficiality.

This sign and season, are fueled by passion and truth…just remember that not everyone can handle the same probing intensity, and it’s wise not to push and force around these times either.

Happy New Moon, be sure to call in what you wish to acquire, to accomplish.

Much Love,


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