
Solar Eclipse 🌒New Moon In Taurus 4/30

New Moon Solar Eclipse

Saturday 4/30 we have a New Moon in Taurus.

This New Moon is a Partial Solar Eclipse, which is a fancy way of saying ‘A New Moon On Steroids’.

Our New Moon takes place at 4:27 PM EST at 10° 28′ of Taurus.

Eclipses are always associated with shadow energy, as the Moon does cast a shadow over the Sun as it momentarily blocks the light.

Thinking about this metaphorically, this is why the ancients feared Eclipses and found them to be scary passages of time.

As such, Eclipses are absolutely times where that which has been hidden will come to light. Often times, it can feel shocking but is very necessary. Eclipses serve to put us on path, take us off path, reroute us all together do any and all of the above…or nothing.

You have to check your birth chart to see where you have Taurus/Scorpio as this is where these Eclipses will hit your chart. This Solar Eclipse will impact Taurus & Scorpio placements particularly around the degrees of 8°-13° but also any of the fixed energies (which are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), the strongest.

This New Moon Solar Eclipse actually has some really beautiful & beneficial astrology surrounding it, and is a North Node Eclipse, which speaks to growth, the future.

Mars is supporting this New Moon, along with a gorgeous triple conjunction of Venus, Jupiter & Neptune in Pisces. These planets are playing some really pretty music, although we may have to stretch our ears & our hearts to hear, as we are still under an Eclipse and the energy can be wild. We must be gentle with our energy, with the energy of others.

Taurus reminds us to take good care of the body, to get outside, to rest when necessary.

Focus on what you would like going forward, and take care.

Much Love,


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