
Summer Solstice & Capricorn Full Moon

Two Capricorn Full Moons, Back To Back

Hello My Friends,

I wanted to give a quick energy update, for this part of the year. 

My goal is to take the wisdom of the stars, and bring it down to earth for you. I sincerely hope these insights support you 🫶.

Back to business: Cancer season is upon us! 

June 20th 4:51 PM EST, The Sun leaves the busyness of Gemini, and shifts into the emotional and intuitive waters of Cancer.

Collectively and individually, we are all embodying the Cancer energy. We are more nostalgic, we are slowing down, reflecting before taking further action.

Happy Birthday to all of the Cancer souls… may you have a wonderful solar year ahead, filled with many blessings.

Cancer season also anchors in The Summer Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere.

Technically speaking, this day is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere (and the shortest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere).

Spiritually speaking, the Sun is at its highest point of expression right now, illuminating everything and reminding us of life. 

The Sun recharges. The Sun is the life force, it amplifies and regenerates, bringing in a sense of hope, peace and optimism.

There is a reason we long for this time of year.

The Solstice point is a great time of year for a SOL check in…like what I did there?☀️😉

This is a perfect time of year to harness ritual, a great time to gather with some friends or solo. Get outside preferably, under the suns rays (anytime really, as long as it’s still light out) and take inventory… spiritual, soul inventory.

Really be present and allow yourself a bit of time to reflect, genuinely reflect, all of who you are and where you are. All of what you have accomplished, yet still wish to work toward.

Optimism and hope surround this energy, so be sure to write out what you will manifest, as words and intention hold power!

If you work with stones, Ruby, Garnet and Citrine are great ones for love and abundance. Sunstone, Ametrine and Carnelian are excellent for action and empowerment. *Any stones that you are drawn to will work for you, these are just my suggestions.

Right at the heels of The Summer Solstice, we have a Full Moon on 6/21.

This Full Moon takes place at 1° of Capricorn, the very beginning of the sign. 

The Full Moon is part of a unique situation, and is very symbolic spiritually and personally.

You see, exactly one month later on 7/21, we will have a second Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn. The second Full Moon in this sign will be at the very end of Capricorn, at the 29th degree. * All of the details are in the above video. 

Now, I want to share something that many of you will find helpful.

I have gone ahead and recorded a three-part, detailed tutorial. This content is evergreen, and applicable at any time. 

Even if you do not really understand the language of Astrology, I promise you will be able to follow along. For my seasoned astro-lovers, there is a of good nuggets in here, so enjoy!

In these videos, I give you step- by-step guidance on how to identify, understand and work with New Moons and Full Moons in your birth chart. I go over all of the zodiac signs and symbols, and what they represent. Then, we dive into the planets and their symbols, and detailed insights into all twelve houses of the birth chart.

Sample chart interpretations are included! *All in all, these videos are around 90 minutes total.

You can find this tutorial right here.

If ever there were a time to dive into your personal astrology, it’s now!

You can always download your birth chart, right here.

Much Love,


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