
The Current Energies✨

Virgo Season Begins♍️ Mars Enters Gemini🔥 Mouths And Minds Are On Fire!

Here we are cruising toward the end of August!

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Virgo season begins on 8/22…Happy Birthday to all of our Virgo’s! May your season bring you good health, happiness and abundance.

On August 27th 4:17 AM ET, we have a cleansing Virgo New Moon.

A New Moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle, the movement of the moon through its different phases.

New Moons are a time of new beginnings.  The beginning of a new cycle, a time to initiate plans and projects, get things moving, a fresh start. 

Abundance surrounds this energy.

New Moons are auspicious times filled with promise and opportunity.

The Sun aligns with the Moon in the sky when it’s a New Moon meaning, that they are in the same sign –Virgo.

In an almost exact clash to Mars, this New Moon pulls the focus onto that which irritates us, in order to help us to course correct.

Speaking of Mars… this fiery, hot, active planet has just entered Gemini .

This Mars transit is significant as Mars typically spends only 5-7 weeks in each sign. August 20, Mars entered Gemini and will remain there until March 25, 2023. That is seven months!

Why is Mars touring Gemini for so long? Well, Mars will also station retrograde on 10/30/22 and will remain there until 1/12/23.

Mars retrograde only occurs every two years. We are dealing with strong energies here both personally, but especially, when it comes to global events.

Mars wants us to take action, to fight, to forge ahead. Gemini is an air sign that is all about communication and versatility. Gemini is witty, wordy, expressive and fast.

Think of Mars in Gemini like this: this is a time period of wit and words, our mouths and minds are on fire! While retrograde especially, there can and will be a lot of anger and irritation present.

People are going to be verbally volatile. Information may come in faster than our awareness can handle. We must remember that these are hot and active times, where everything we do has consequence!

Remain mindful, steady and think things through. Gemini energy can spin us out, make us nervous and fidgety.

Make sure to get your energy out physically through exercise, writing, dancing etc. Yes, fighting is also physical, but let’s try and avoid that. Healthy competition is a good thing every now and again, but remember that we all feel this energy, so as always forewarned is forearmed!

Mercury will station retrograde on 9/9 and we are currently in the shadow zone, Uranus is retrograde as of 8/24 and more. More on Uranus retrograde here.

Until next time, be well.

Much Love,


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