
It’s Virgo Season! Happy Birthday To The Virgins Of The Zodiac…

Today the Sun shifts from the warm fire of Leo into the sign of practicality and analytics- Virgo.

As the Sun shifts from Leo into Virgo, the celestial tone changes considerably, and there’s a slight calming effect.

Coming off the heat and passion of Leo (doesn’t it seem that Leo season was never ending?), we are ever-so-ready for the wise and practical energy of Virgo.

Where Leo pushes for intensity, Virgo says: “stop, slow down, analyze and maybe just maybe after we’ve analyzed everything to the end of the earth, we might take some action.”   These are our Virgo’s!


Virgo’s are introverts at heart.

Remember, you don’t necessarily have to be a Virgo to embody the essence of this sign. Anyplace in your chart where Virgo falls, you will likely possess this energy.  Your rising sign and Moon being the top two, but anywhere else as well.  

*For example- I am not a Virgo, but my Mars , Jupiter and Saturn all fall in Virgo- giving me quite a bit of this energy, and I definitely feel this energy in those areas of my chart!

Virgo falls under the element of Earth and is our second sign of the Earth signs. Therefore, Virgo’s are very grounded, but can be so grounded that fun gets pushed to the back burner!

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, the mind.

This sign is intelligent with a sharp and inquisitive mind.

Virgo’s can be super sensitive but it takes a lot for them to truly feel and express their emotions, as they often intellectualize and analyze them frontwards and backwards before they will honor them.

Notice the word analyze comes up a a lot with this sign?

They are problem solvers.  They love a good mental challenge.  They are always willing to help others.

In fact Virgo’s typically feel the most useful when they are helping others with their own challenges, as it gives them a break from their own internal dialogue that never stops!

At their most positive, Virgo’s are wise, witty and well-spoken.  They are intelligent, practical and reliable. Very detail oriented and meticulous, they are great organizers. Virgo’s are very hard workers and are typically very accomplished.  They expect nothing less than the best from others and this goes for themselves as well.

At their most negative, they can be over-analytical, picky, and critical.  They can be obsessive as well to the point where it becomes a real problem and causes physical ailments, such as anxiety and heart palpitations!

Because they expect nothing but the best from themselves, they expect the same from others and often have too high of expectations.  They can also be cold, detached and aloof due to their analytical and earthy way of approaching emotions.

In the Tarot, our Virgo card is none other than, The Hermit– card number Nine (9) of The Major Arcana.

In numerology, ‘9’ is the number of the loner.  It is a solitary number, and as such often walks the path to enlightenment on it’s own.  Much like our Hermit, below.

*This card is from the Morgan Greer tarot deck*


Under the time of Virgo, much like our Hermit, it’s time to walk our path.  Go within and ask yourself : “Am I living in my truth”?

Also, this is a time to get philisophical and rid ourselves of outdated patterns and beliefs that are no longer serving us.

If you have wanted to cultivate a spiritual practice, now is the time.  Meditate, pray, purify your Chakras.

 Be still, be present and listen to your intuition.

The Hermit knows what it feels like to walk the path to true enlightenment and lights his own torch along the way.

The path may twist and turn but ultimately, it will take us where we need to go.

Don’t be afraid to go deep and do your soul work.  This is the perfect time under Virgo(Hermit) season– plus we are still under several retrogrades including Virgo’s ruler- Mercury!

Due to the potent connection of this Mercury Retrograde to Mondays fateful eclipse, this Mercury cycle will give you great insights into what is standing in the way from the path to your purpose.

So this is a great time to be a ‘Hermit’, literally!

Don’t be afraid to go within.

Be still, be present, listen to your intuition.

Honor what you feel.

Say what you mean and mean what you say, but choose your thoughts and your words wisely.

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Love & Light,


Much Love,


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