Lisa Salvatore
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Welcome September!

Can you believe it’s September already?!  How did that happen?

How is everyone feeling after these past three months where we have experienced seven planets retrograde, and three Eclipses?

What has changed for you, if anything?

One word for September: restructure.

We are under Virgo energy now- the sign of the organizer, the analyzer, and the ‘get stuff done’ Earth sign.

With this energy, there is a sigh of cosmic relief.

We now have only two planets that are currently retrograde.  Saturn being one but he turns direct today, the 6th!   Ahhh, another sigh of relief.

With Saturn turning direct, look at any lessons you have been brought in a specific area or areas.

Remember Saturn represents our growth and our hardest lessons, our karma.  When Saturn turns direct, karma gets sorted.

Projects get moving again, initiative returns along with a sense of purpose where there may have been despair previously.

Mercury moves into its natural home sign of Virgo today as well, making communication much more easy and fluid.

We think, speak and write with more clarity and we articulate our feelings in a way that is not as easily misunderstood.

We desire to make progress no matter what.

Our spiritual beliefs, our faith may be tested and restored.  Find your center, stay in your light, and be your own Guru as you have all of the answers within.

Enjoy the video below- when inspiration strikes, I record unplanned.  😉

Peace & Love,


Much Love,


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