Happy November! May this month bring in peace, love and abundance for all.
These last few months have felt uneasy and a bit unsettled, for sure. This is different for everyone personally, and we all are slaying our dragons as best as we can.
This Thursday 11/4 we have an intense and highly charged, emotional New Moon in Scorpio. This New Moon pulls the focus onto our deepest desires, our strongest feelings and internal workings that are craving air time.
Linked closely to Mars and Uranus, there is an electric feeling to this new Moon, and this whole month, actually!
If you are looking for a break out of stagnancy, a massive change, feelings of liberation….then you will want to tap into this energy.
Utilize this Scorpio New Moon to get very clear about what it is that you, your soul, is truly hungry for.
*More on this New Moon energy in the video below*
Shortly after the New Moon, Mars/Uranus by exact opposition (on 11/10) can have us feeling nervous and anxious, yet also, very excited and open to change.
As we get to the middle of the month, we are contending with Mars/Saturn in an exact square (11/17) …translation: frustration!
Mars wants to act, Saturn wants to stop. We can face some obstacles at this time, par for the course. It is wise not to get ahead of yourself. Honor what you are feeling, but be sure to truly think it through.
We are all ultra reactive and sensitive!
On 11/19 we experience or Partial Lunar Eclipse, Full moon in the earth sign of steady Taurus.
This Eclipse gives us a glimmer of perspective into the next seven eclipses that we will experience on the Taurus/Scorpio Axis. This part of your chart is where you will see/feel this energy. The potential changes that can take place.
This Eclipse is very close to the North Node, which is connected to the future. This is where we go to grow.
As all Full Moons illuminate back to us, some things must be recognized and released, in order to propel us forward… and this Full Moon carries that energy X10!
Pay close attention to who and what, enters your reality around this time, and also, what exits.
Eclipse energy tends to bring in ‘fated’ energies/circumstances, and when we look back we shall realize that all is in divine accordance.
I will be hosting my Full Moon gathering on MONDAY the 15th…I know it’s a little early, but due to my own energy/astrology, I prefer to do it early this time around 😉.
Take good care of yourself under these intense energies.