Here we are, in September!
‘Rabbit Rabbit’…may this month bring in love, blessings and abundance for all.
We are under some tumultuous energy, no doubt about it so we must do what we can to keep ourselves in a higher frequency.
The higher frequency of joy, love, compassion. Hope, faith and unity. This is what we seek to achieve, as difficult as this may feel right now.
We begin the month with the strength of Neptune the dreamer, upon us.
Neptune is currently in Pisces, the opposite sign of Virgo. This compounds his energy, and constantly reminds us of his presence. Opposites can and do attract, we just have to be flexible with trying to balance the practical side (Virgo) with the dreamy side (Pisces).
While Neptune lends to us creative and intuitive energy, it can also have us feeling foggy and ungrounded.
Trying to define Neptunian energy is much like trying to land an airplane in the fog. You as the pilot, attempt to land, you can see the ground, and yet it is strategic as to just the right moment until you get on the ground. You may have to circle a few times, potentially reroute until the clouds part just enough to land safely. This feels like Neptunian energy. Foggy, with spots of clarity to get you to your destination…. but the real magic can be found in the journey, as can the uncertainty.
Mercury, the planet of communication is now in logical and balance-seeking Libra, so we truly desire to be fair in all of our dealings. This is not always an easy task when the energy ‘up there’ and ‘out there’ is volatile! Do what you can to remain in your center.
9/6 at precisely 8:51 PM EST, we have a creative New Moon in Virgo.
A New Moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle, the movement of the moon through its different phases.
New Moons are a time of new beginnings. The beginning of a new cycle, a time to initiate plans and projects, get things moving, a fresh start.
Abundance surrounds this energy.
New Moons are auspicious times filled with promise and opportunity.
The Sun aligns with the Moon in the sky when it’s a New Moon meaning, that they are in the same sign –Virgo.
Virgo likes to analyze and figure out problems. As a mutable earth sign, Virgo seeks to change things by constant betterment.
As the sign of schedules and structure, this New Moon in Virgo presents the question: “what needs to be cleaned up”? Projects, habits, relationships, etc….all highlighted under this energy.
With a supportive aspect to freedom-seeking and eccentric Uranus, new ways of doing the old are likely to come into focus around this time. Do not be afraid to go out of your comfort zone as you just may find the answers in the unknown.
Uranus is known to bring things to us unexpectedly, and is working harmoniously with this New Moon so pay close attention to what comes into your reality right now.
Stay strong, stay hopeful and stay true.
Tap into your intuitive and creative sides, don’t be afraid to dream. Manifest your vision(s) for your future with this New Moon energy.
Remember that the universe, the divine is always listening…words have power, thoughts have power so use them constructively.
Happy New Moon! 🌚