Lisa Salvatore
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AstroQuad Readings-Four Spots Per Group

A few months back, I put together a few special group readings for the Evolve + community, known as The AstroQuad. I am excited to announce that I have two new AstroQuad groups scheduled. This is for NEW clients only, and a great way for you to connect to and understand yourself at a much deeper and more spiritual level.

For families, it’s a fabulous way to understand each other. Whether it be four siblings, parents, kids, grandkids or a few friends who are coming together for an evening of guidance; or maybe you’re a member of and heard me speak of it on a live stream. 

For those of you who want to put your toe in the waters about your birth chart, (a.k.a- soul map) or maybe you don’t know the exact time you were born, this is an option to introduce you to who you are, where you are and what are the themes happening around you. The AstroQuad is a way for us to learn how we are perceived, seen, and how to better communicate with the world around us. (You can book a family quad by securing all four seats for the group).

There are currently two AstroQUAD’s available, below are direct links:

Wednesday, February 28th

Sunday, March 17th

Now, if you are watching any astrology on social media you know there is alot of fear mongering that is taking place. Quick flashy videos with generic messages to force you to doom scroll more of their videos. Pop astrology has always been around, and social media is just its next iteration. I can’t combat all the misinformation out there, but I can help by informing YOU!

DON’T  be fearFULL I want you to be emPOWERed.  The only way to get there is with information. I know that the Deep Dive reading may not be something you are ready for, so doing this is a great starting point until then.

Things we will cover:

Your SUN sign:  Your Sun Sign is the sign you probably are the most familiar with. We will explore the positive and shadow aspects of it.

Your MOON sign: the Moon is you inner landscape, your soul. You feel the world through your Moon. Your Moon sign represents how you emotionally perceive the world and how the world feels to you. Learn how to better handle & manage your emotional instincts and desires by understanding your moon. Did you know the moon shifts signs approximately every 2 days? 

Your Rising Sign (or Ascendant):  This is the sign that is on the horizon when you are born and how the world actually sees you, think: first impressions. This rounds out your BIG THREE in astrology. 

SATURN.  The planet Saturn is one of your greatest teachers about the lessons, patterns and new ways your life may be developing. Saturn is the planet of KARMA and TIME. Are you feeling like you’re being dragged into a new reality? Do you see the old ways shifting and its feeling threatening & you feel vulnerable? We will work w/Saturn in your chart & diagnose the lesson(s)…and arm you with the spiritual tools to help you move forward with knowledge and confidence.

There will also be a discussion of the OVERALL THEME of when you are booked in. That will depend on the cosmic skies above. 

These will book quickly, so please secure your date(s) as soon as you can.

Again, If this speaks to you, there are two dates scheduled. Head right over here to book your QUAD for 2/28.

Here is the link for 3/17.

For a family booking or your own group, you will provide the data for all parties.

Much Love,


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Melissa Chevrier
Melissa Chevrier
7 months ago

I’m going to do this by myself and pretty much feel that I’ll be booked in whatever group I’m supposed to be 🙂

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