
What Does 2018 Have In Store For Your Sign? Intuitive Read For Each Zodiac Sign For The Year Ahead

Happy 2018!  May this serve to be your best and most prosperous year yet.

I’ve used the Major Arcana cards from my Morgan-Greer tarot deck for these reads.  Interpretations are intuited by me.

Please know that no cards are either good nor bad.  They are very complex and multi-faceted, not literal at all.  If you don’t like something you hear/see- simply pray it out, will it to happen differently.

As always, if what I say resonates with you, great.  If not-please take these with a grain of salt!

Enough of my rambling…..


Aries- The Ram (3/20-4/19)

Card of the year- The High Priestess (Intuition)

You are normally ‘full speed-ahead’, relying on a blend of facts and emotions to get you where you need to be.  Often ruthless in your climb to the top, this year has you feeling much more connected to your emotions than normal for you Aries.  You do have a big heart, but let’s be honest: you do not always think of other people! 

Expect to surprise yourself this year with an increased connection to your inner voice, your soul- your intuition.  You can literally speak things into reality with your powers of manifestation, so choose your words wisely!  Expect very vivid premonitions to occur and a lot of ‘fated’ encounters that will have you shaking your head in amazement, and also having you become much more interested in the world of spirituality and energy.

You will be much more emotional and far less impulsive as you navigate the terrain for the year ahead.  You will be still be more determined than ever, helping you to accomplish all that you set out to do-  however, the focus will be on your most intimate relationships rather than your career for once, our Ram.

One person in your tribe is feeling neglected and will express this to you.  You will feel badly about this, and truly strive to repair this friendship/family relation.  Health wise, you should feel pretty strong and if you do catch a cold or some other annoying setback, this year favors quick recuperation.

Bottom line Aries:  continue to work hard, but also remember to make time for the real connections in your life.

Taurus- The Bull (4/19-5/20)

Card of the year- The Hanged Man (Suspension)

Oh, Taurus.  How you despise change!  Bulls are known for sticking it out through thick and through thin – stable and loyal you are, for sure.  This year, however, has you potentially ‘wiping the slate clean’ after some careful evaluation.  You are no longer content with complacency and you desire to shake up your comfort zone.

Perhaps you finally travel to that foreign land, you terminate that toxic friendship that is zapping your energy, or you leave that job that is sucking your soul dry.  Whatever it is , sweet Taurus, it’s time to re-gain your power.  Notice on the card that the man is hanging upside- down, suspended?  This is how you feel for the first few months of the year, gathering your strength that the Bull is known for.  It’s only a matter of time before you break free from that other rope, landing upright and seeing things clearly.  We have faith in you, go ahead, make those changes!

Expect to be the shoulder to cry on for a friend going through a crisis mid-year.  Be there for that person, but be careful to protect your energy!  You are extra ‘spongy’ intuitively this year, and absorbing others emotions will be intensified and harder than normal to control.  Taurus, we know you love your good food and wine, but take it easy and try not to overindulge too much, as your health is more sensitive the first half of the year.  Eat more fruits and veggies to avoid weight gain.

Bottom line Taurus: don’t be so stubborn- change is good!  Check yourself.  Be there for others but be kind to yourself as well.

Gemini- The Twins ( 5/20-6/20)

Card Of The Year- The Lovers (Choice)

Gemini- the sign of the twins- duality.  Variety.  The Lovers card rules Gemini naturally, so this is especially potent for y’all.  Listen up: it’s time to make a decision and stick with it.  2017 found many of our twins between two situations/relationships.  While initially exciting (our Gem’s need and crave stimulation from several sources to feel fulfilled), you have arrived at that place where it is beginning to wear on your soul.  You are not comfortable with any form of deception on your part, and you will strive to truly get to your heart center and make the best decision for yourself and others involved.

If you are unhappy with a relationship or a situation, 2018 has you severing it before entering a new one, where 2017 may have had you juggling and struggling.  No judgement!  Going forward it’s time to get it together.  This is also a year of higher learning for our Geminis.  Philosophical conversations will be at the forefront, as your views change on many different levels this year.  Use your gift of gab wisely – try not to gossip as it will most definitely bite you in the behind the first half of the year!

You are very lucky May-July and are extra magnetic to others.  Your charisma is at its highest level so go ahead and ask for that promotion, take those chances,  go get it!

Your emotions are doing a number on you this year, potentially creating physical symptoms.  Get out into nature, meditate, but also be sure to move your body.  You naturally have a lot of mental energy, and you need an outlet to quiet that mind and release toxins!  As long as you make some time to sweat, you should be just fine physically.

Bottom line Gemini: this year will be a great one for you as long as you get real with yourself and honor everyones feelings- not just your own!

Cancer- The Crab (6/20-7/22)

Card Of The Year- The Hermit (Seeking)

Cancer- our sensitive friends.  Much like your symbol, the crab, you too retreat into your shell when you’ve had enough.  2017 had you coming out of your shell much more often than you could have imagined.  You made new friends, started frequenting different places, felt more extroverted and free.  Well, sorry to say Cancer but this year has you really going deep- into yourself to do some serious soul-work.  You’ve lost yourself a bit lately while caring for others, and it is time to go inward for some guidance. 

While last year felt liberating this year feels, well, a little stifling.  The good news is : alone time will be very good for you and is natural for you typical homebodies anyway.  Look at this year ahead as a time to rediscover who you truly are-at the soul level.  Reevaluate where you are on your present journey, ask yourself the most important question- ‘ do I feel fulfilled’?  If not, look deep towards what lights you up, who lights you up- and make a conscious effort to have more of that in your life.  You are always saving everyone else, now it’s time to save yourself or else you will be extra crabby!

Career breakthroughs are in the cards for you.  The path opens up in ways you were not expecting, and you will likely become successful seemingly overnight!  Do not hold back when it comes to some family issue around June/July as your opinion is needed and will be correct, even if you are initially chastised for it.  You are the voice of reason in 2018, sweet crabs.  Relish it.  Headaches may plague you more often than you are used to this year, so be sure to keep up with your water intake and watch your stress levels!

Bottom line Cancer: stay close to your soul and it all falls into place.  Give yourself the care you unselfishly give to others.

Leo-The Lion (7/22-8/22)

Card of the year- The Chariot (Movement)

Back and forth, right to left, do I, don’t I?  Seems like you have been going in circles as of late, proud Leo. This was 2017 for you in a nutshell.  While last year found you in your head quite a bit, 2018 promises tangible movement forward.  This year has you realizing that slow and steady really does win the race.  You wish to avoid careless mistakes in your haste to get to the finish line.  You understand the value of dotting all of your I’s and crossing all of your T’s this year.  It is important to recognize that you are in the drivers seat in all areas of your life.  You are the creator of your destiny- of what comes next.

Change is the name of the game for you Lions- big changes in relationships, career, and living situations. You do not have to make these changes overnight however, and you are exactly where you need to be right at this very moment.  Staying present will be an ongoing challenge this year as you desire to move forward full speed ahead, yet on the soul level you are being guided ‘slow down, see things through, make informed and educated decisions’.

Normally prideful and not one to ask for help or advice, there will be an amazing friend that will come into your life the first half of this year.  This person will have you seeing the world, and yourself, very differently and this is exactly what you need.  Don’t be afraid to show your warmth and let this friend into your world, you will be grateful that you did!

Take extra care of your stomach this year, as internalized stress might be eating away at you, literally!  Start popping a probiotic, watch the sugar and try and stay away from greasy foods to help the issue.

Bottom line Leo: drop the need to have it all figured out overnight and don’t be afraid to eat some pieces of ‘Humble Pie’ and ask for help.  You don’t have to be perfect, and you will end up at the finish line eventually.

Virgo- The Virgin (8/22-9/22)

Card Of The Year- The Tower (Disruption)

Our practical and methodical Virgos!  Unlike your Earthy friend Taurus, you don’t dislike change- you just want to be the one to control it.  Admit it: there is a little bit of a control freak in each one of you and you set very high standards for yourself and for others.  When things do not go the way you planned, you are extra nit-picky. You cannot stand chaos and disorder of any sort.  You like to always have a plan Virgo- a concrete and thorough course of action. 

Well, sorry, as 2018 promises a surprise or two for you that may just rock your world- in a good way!  Often times you are sooo regimented that you leave no room for fun, dear Virgins.  If it fits in the schedule, great- but if not, oh well ‘work work work work work’.  This will not be the cases for y’all in 2018!

Last year had everything going according to schedule for you, and even though you felt as if you were in a pressure cooker most of the year, it’s as if this month the release button is pressed, allowing you to blow off some steam.  Accept it!  Loosen up, lighten your to-do list and drop the need for constant perfection.  Aren’t you exhausted?  Nobody is judging you as harshly as you are judging yourself!  Please know, you are your own worst enemy.

February and March and then September/October/November have some unforeseen changes coming that will change things around for you- ( work related).  Just remember that while unsettling at first, these changes are good for you, and once the dust settles you are much better off!  If you are feeling unappreciated in any of your relationships this year- speak up.  You will be surprised at how others will come through for you, wanting to correct the situation.  Remember-not everyone is a mind reader.

You have a lot of nervous energy this year that may result in feelings of strong anxiety.  You can literally talk yourself into being ill, so take good care of your mind, body, soul and stop being so darn critical!  Carve out some time to meditate, even if only for five minutes, twice a week.

Bottom line Virgo: work hard but play harder.  Understand that you cannot control everything and some changes are on the horizon.  Ride the wave and you will end up exactly where you need to be.

Libra- The Scales Of Balance (9/22-10/23)

Card Of The Year- The Empress (Fertility)

Oh, Libra.  If there is one thing you love more than balance and equilibrium, it’s the finer things in life.  That which is aesthetically pleasing is of great importance (you are ruled by planet Venus, after all).  2017 found many of you spending more than normal on ‘things’ and this year, you buckle down and really start making a plan for the future.  You desire to acquire more for yourself, for your family. 

Moving to a place that is more comfortable for you is in the cards if you so desire.  If moving is not an option, then you find yourself changing things around in your environment to make it more beautiful and inviting.  Much like the Empress pictured above, it is a year of fertility – perhaps not in the literal sense of having a child (although that is certainly supported this year) but also the birth of new ideas, new projects.

Whatever it is, 2018 is ripe for the picking, and a great time to manifest your desires, Libra.  If 2017 found you in an unhealthy or unbalanced state of mind, expect to get it right this year.  You will not be able to focus on the positive if you are still stuck in the areas that throw you off center.  You know you cannot function this way, Librans.  So do what you need to do to feel like you are on the right track again.

Expect a falling out with a friend around July/August- but don’t despair.  This has been a long time coming and you know it.  Allow the friendship to leave your life gracefully and remember: you do not always have to have the last word!  Sometimes silence truly is golden.

Be sure to move your body often as circulatory issues could annoy you such as, sleepy muscles.  You know the feeling: pins and needles.  As long as you are keeping the blood flowing and drinking your water, you should be good.

Bottom line Libra: appreciate the beauty around you but don’t lose sight of the bigger picture.  Things move along for you quite nicely if you stay centered.  New projects are blessed.

Scorpio- The Scorpion (10/23-11/21)

Card Of The Year- The Sun (Vitality) 

Hello Scorpio!  I have to tell you, 2018 is your year.  2017 had many of you in a funk, feeling like ‘same old, same old’.  2018 promises to be different, much brighter.  Much like the Sun card, you will shine.  But don’t get tooo excited- this requires some work from our Scorpions.  Opening up is not the easiest for you to do, especially when it comes to the inner-workings of who you truly are.  You must be open to the soul-diving that is required.

The Sun is here to illuminate any proverbial ‘darkness’ in your life.  Your sign is all about what is hidden, secret, under the surface.  The only way to truly shine in all of your natural glory and brilliance is through self-reflection.  Expect a lot of self-analysis this year Scorpio, and with that comes some hefty golden karma nuggets and amazing opportunities.

New love is the name of the game for many of you and also strengthening of existing bonds.  You seek for depth this year above all else, and are not content with any surface relationships.  You bring a lot to the table and do not take commitment lightly- expect the same in return and do not sell yourself short!

The warmer months are fabulous for you.  Many Scorpions will begin a new way of healthy lifestyle at this time as well, which will better suit you for the future.  Do not be afraid to let people in, yet at the same time maintain your boundaries.  You feel extra vibrant and alive this year, much like your card, The Sun.

Bottom line Scorpio: you shine this year.  Good things are coming but don’t be afraid to go within and answer some tough questions.  You truly do have all the answers inside of you.

Sagittarius- The Archer (11/21-12/21)

Card Of The Year- The Magician (Creation)

POOF!  Now you see me, now you don’t.  This is normally how you are , Sagittarius, much like our friend the Magician.  Your desire and need for constant movement and growth will still be very present this year.  There will be several travel opportunities for you as well, which will feed your soul if you choose to partake.  Soul connections are definitely highlighted for you this year, making your profound search for spiritual enlightenment that much more prevalent . 

You start to realize now more than ever, there is truly a purpose to everyone that you meet and that each person will play a role for you in your evolvement.  You are also reflecting quite a bit on the past and those connections as well.  What lessons they have taught you.  The Sagitarrian values revolve around higher learning of all forms, after all.

While you are naturally a lucky zodiac sign, blessed and ruled by planet Jupiter, this year has you creating even more magic for yourself.  The focus is not so much on monetary richness, but the richness of your spirit.  Who are you really?  Why are you here?  How do you feel you can make your life feel more rich?  How can you give back?  These are all questions you will be seeking answers to and more, Sagittarius.

2018 will find many of you involved in charity work.  A new course of study is likely as well.  This can even be a small certificate of sorts, but still, books are a major part of your year ahead.

Any health nuisance you may experience this year is most likely connected to a specific relationship in your life.  You feel boxed in and need to breathe a little, so go ahead and take your space.  Watch your health improve magically when you do this.

Bottom line Sagittarius: luck follows you right into 2018 but YOU are in charge of creating the magic.  The stars are supporting you this year more than ever.  When you give to others, it fills you up.

Capricorn- The Goat (12/21-1/19)

Card Of The Year: The Fool (Adventure)

Our poor Cappys had a rough go most of 2017.  This past year found many of you in the process of major endings of all sorts.  Some may have been physical deaths, but a lot of them were the endings of emotional situations and relationships.  No matter what the ending, it was a painful year for you goats and you are finally on the verge of a breakthrough.  You are ready for new beginnings- but not unless you heed the lessons that your pain was trying to teach you .

Not ones to wear your hearts on your sleeve, most Capricorns spent 2017 in solitude, processing your innermost feelings with maybe one or two dear friends.  But the outside world did not see your pain.  You buried yourself in your work and creative projects, but the time has come for you to re-emerge into the real world this year.

Be careful moving forward that you do not close yourself off to love or friendship due to past heartache.  Like your card of the year, the Fool is ready for a fresh start, a new journey.  At the same token, you cannot be foolish but you are being asked to let go of your rigidity.  Be a little more flexible in your standards!

Travel adventures are likely mid-year and promise to be exciting.  If a new romantic relationship comes into your life, trust your heart but take your head with you and remember: not everyone is out to hurt you!

Due to planet Saturn now in your sign for the next two 1/2 years, which also happens to be Saturns ‘homie’- where this cold planet shines- you have a nice dose of luck with any projects/journies you embark on.  Hard work and discipline has never been difficult for you Capricorn, so with Saturn here you are wiling to go that extra mile but be careful that you do not become a total workaholic!

Connections come from other souls, not things!  Smile more in 2018, for pete’s sake!  As long as you try to remain optimistic, your health is stellar.

Bottom line Capricorn: don’t let past hurts cripple you or harden you going forward.  Genuine connections are what get you through 2018 and any projects you set out to do will be successful.

Aquarius – The Water-Bearer (1/19-2/18)

Card of the year: The Moon (Illumination)

Aquarius, more than any other sign you guys value freedom and independence.  2017 felt like a heavy year for you, filled with deadlines and obligations.  As such, that freedom and independence was not that easy to come by.  Going into 2018 many of you feel this same burden and level of responsibility, but it does not need to be this way.  All you need to do is ease up on yourself and shift your perspective! 

As one of the more stubborn signs of the zodiac (you are a fixed sign, after all), it is not easy to sway you once you have decided to do something (or not do it, for that matter)!  2018 is asking you to drop the to-do list a little bit, and be a little bit more of a rebel that you know you truly are at heart!  You are Aquarian after all!  Super intelligent beings with the ability to do many things naturally.  But just because you can doesn’t mean you should. 

Prioritizing will be at the forefront this year, but please make sure having fun is priority!  Like your card for the year, the light of the Moon will always illuminate that which has been dormant when the time is right.  Right now Aquarius, this seems to be happening for y’all at the soul level.  Pay attention to your dreams, chance encounters, loved ones that are testing your patience, opportunities presented, all of it.  There are deep messages here that hold a key to you setting yourself free from your own emotional prison.

While truly feeling and letting out your emotions does not necessarily come easy for you Air signs, 2018 has you more expressive and ready to make changes than you have been for a long time.  You are ready to shine!

Keep in mind The Moon represents ‘Lunacy’ so don’t beat yourself up if you feel like you are riding an emotional rollercoaster the first half of this year!  Midyear, you truly feel the best you have felt in a long time and projects near completion with success to follow.  Cherish and protect your boundaries throughout it all.

Your gut is an area of significance this year both literally and spiritually.  It will let you know when you are too stressed, when you are not eating right, and when you need to trust it, so pay attention!

Bottom line Aquarius: ease up on yourself and get back to the little kid inside that wants to come out and play!  Rome was not built in a day, so sit back, take inventory, and prioritize projects in order of importance- include yourself as one of those projects!

Pisces- The Fish (2/18-3/20)

Card of the year- Wheel of Fortune (Destiny)

This will be an interesting year for our Pisces peeps.  2017 had you living in a fantasy for the second half of the year.  This was not always a positive fantasy!  You felt stuck and rooted, cement feet- not seeing the forest through the trees.

January-March has our Pisces really seeing things clearly, getting out of the cement.  All of our planets are direct at this time, and you Pisceans are so-very sensitive and energetically receptive so you will feel like you are being thrust forward.

Not ones to normally take big risks or be very decisive, 2018 has some surprises in store for you!  Several chance opportunities will present themselves to you, and you cannot rest on your laurels or just like the card, the Wheel will turn and who knows if it will come back around or where it stops next time?

This year will see many of you finally ending a very codependant relationship.  As the fog clears and the bigger picture emerges, make a vow to heed the lesson but do not beat yourself up!  You did not ‘waste time’ and that particular relationship was meant to teach you about your own soul, your own growth.  Time to move on without fear, shame, blame and/or , regret.

Represented by the Fish , Pisces are also known for swimming in two different directions.  Upstream, downstream- you are your own worst enemy!  This year, swim upstream and take some chances.

Sorry to say but our ‘fishies’ of the zodiac can be a bit of a martyr at times.  Make a conscious effort to surrender to that which you cannot control graciously and take action towards that which you can control.  In other words: take accountability for your life.  It annoys those closest to you when you constantly vent about the same thing, only to not do anything about it.  You give the best advice, so start to take it!

You are creative people so put it to good use this April/May when a real good and different option is presented to you.  Spirituality is a very important part of this Water signs life naturally so be sure you are connecting with it.  Meditate, pray, get out into nature, soothe your soul as your sensitive nature really needs to decompress at least once a day!  You are natural empaths, ruled by planet Neptune you are very psychically receptive and feel everything.  It is both a blessing and a curse at times.  Trusting your intuition more while staying grounded in reality at the same time will prove to be a bit of a challenge, but you will be able to rise to the occasion.

Health wise- make sure you are getting enough fresh air especially when allergies peak around April.  You’re more prone to upper respiratory episodes this year so diffuse some Eucalyptus to keep those lungs clear and watch the dairy intake.

Bottom line Pisces: this year looks good as long as you admit the truth to yourself and act accordingly.  Accept that pain is a part of growth and sever what was/is not working for you.

There you have it, I hope you enjoyed.

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Love & Light,


Much Love,


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