
New Moon In Pisces Today! If You Dream It, You Can Have It

Wednesday 3/6 as of 11:04 AM EST, we have a very positive New Moon in the sign of intuitive Pisces.

A New Moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle, the movement of the moon through its different phases.

New Moons are a time of new beginnings.  The beginning of a new cycle, a time to initiate plans and projects, get things moving, a fresh start.  

Abundance surrounds this energy.

The Sun aligns with the Moon in the sky when it’s a New Moon meaning, that they are in the same sign-Pisces.

If you are a Pisces Sun, Pisces Moon or Pisces Ascendant, you will be really feeling this energy.

As a Pisces Moon myself, I adore this time of year.  Sure, I am much more emotional and sensitive but I prefer this water energy…weird, I know. 😉

Pisces is the sign of the visionary, the mystic-  a very compassionate and empathetic sign, a water sign and all about that which we feel and know on a deep inner level.  That which cannot always be explained rationally.

Water is fluid, as are the emotions of Pisces and of this time.  Expect to be more in touch with your feelings, expect to be more emotional.

Pisces is the last of the 12 signs of the zodiac and the sign least concerned with the physical and is rather, all about the spiritual.

This sign is highly intuitive, most times downright psychic, operating out of the unconscious mind.

We are asked to rely on our inner-knowing as logic is more difficult to come by under this energy.  

This is a wonderful time for creative/intuitive projects and work of any kind.

With the Sun , Moon and Mercury all taking residency in Pisces waters at this time, empathy is at the forefront.  That’s a whole-lotta water/Pisces energy!

We are more emotional, relying on our inner-knowing rather than logic.  We are dreamy, we are impressionable.

Neptune, Pisces ruling planet is tightly conjunct both this New Moon, and the Sun- really ramping up our intuitive impressions.

Be careful not to go too far into LaLa land though, as Neptune has a difficult time with boundaries and seeing things clearly.

When we are clear, however, Neptune can really help lend a cosmic hand in aiding us with making our deepest fantasies come true.

Neptune can also show us where we may need to take our head out of our A$$ and get real.  Don’t rely on Pisces season to act on this though!  This is the time to go within, as Mercury is retrograde in this sign until 3/28.

If you have not read/watched my post on Mercury yet, I suggest you do that here.

Everything we want is within reach, we just need to trust, have faith in the unseen and more importantly, surrender.

Things will work out in the end.

Important to mention that Uranus, “The Great Awakener”, the planet of the unexpected, is moving into Taurus on the same day as this New Moon.  Expect a shake-up or two, or three!  Weather being one of them as Uranus never comes and goes quietly!  

Uranus takes residency in the sign of the Bull today for good, until 2026!  That is a long time.  Uranus is all about change, and Taurus?  Well, this steady earth sign prefers things stay the same and the only constant is change.

Taurus rules the 2nd house in astrology, the house of our money, our possessions and our resources.  Personally and globally, we are going to see many changes and transformations regarding these areas over the coming years.  The way we spend, the way we save, the earth’s natural resources.

Let’s hope this is a good thing!  Conservation might be called for……but hey, isn’t it about time?

Overall this is a compassionate time, a time to really listen to our hearts.  Be good to one another, but more importantly, be good to you!

Sorry for the non-video post, but I am not in my usual space and the internet is spotty- the ‘vlog’ just would not work, but will be back for next time…..

If you are in need of a little guidance and would like to schedule a session please go here

Peace & Love,


Much Love,


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