
Venus Retrograde And How It Affects Us

Venus Retrograde can be a very deep and touchy transit, on all fronts!

*For detailed readings by Sun/Rising Sun, please go here.

You may be thinking “not another retrograde”! Yes, we have another one and this one gifts us potential and possibility, but we must do the work.

Venus is the planet that was known to the ancient romans as “The Goddess Of Love And Money”.

The Ancient Greeks referred to the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn as “Periplanomeno Asteri” which translates to “Wandering Star”. These planets are visible to the naked eye, as they transit the sky.

As the planets wander throughout the sky, they also spark us ‘down here’. We feel their movement as both we, and the planets, are bodies of energy. Just another reminder that while Astrology does not excuse or necessarily dictate behavior, it most certainly can explain and make sense of it!

Which brings us back to lovely Venus.

Venus represents our love nature and our core values and priorities. Venus also governs the area of our personal finances, and our personal style. She shows our self-worth, and the way we care for ourself and others.

Venus spends about twenty days in each sign, and she is retrograde for approximately forty days. Venus will only station retrograde once every eighteen months, for about six weeks so when it happens, we feel it.

This Venus retrograde will take place in the steady and hard-working earth sign of Capricorn.

During this time, we get serious about what we truly value and desire, and how we are willing to go about getting it.

Remember Capricorn is a sign that is known for hard work, determination and devotion . This sign is goal oriented and always ready and willing to roll up their sleeves to get the job done.

Relationships can flourish and grow during this cycle , or on the other side, fall apart and end. People, situations, and/or projects from the past, may resurface. Sometimes, the lesson is to truly let go, while other times it may be beneficial to rekindle past relationships.

Under this energy, expect some closure, healing and release.

Here’s the skinny on this Venus Retrograde cycle:

On 11/5, Venus left free-spirited Sagittarius and entered studious Capricorn.

On 11/17 Venus entered her pre-retrograde shadow zone.

On 12/19 Venus will officially station retrograde in Capricorn. Pay close attention to what comes up around your personal relationships, finances, and values during the time period 11/17-12/19 as it can reveal to you what you may be dealing with under this retrograde energy.

On 1/29 Venus will officially station direct, and then she remains in Capricorn until 3/6. This is a long time for Venus to be in one sign therefore, it is important to take notice of what Venus in Capricorn wishes to show us.

Remember it will be different for all.

This time period could present new job opportunities, new relationships. You may also be guided to revisit previous relationships or career situations, perhaps there is still some karma to be sorted out. In some cases, you may rekindle and begin a new, while with others they simply come back around to remind you why they are no longer in your current reality.

Remember: no malice! It simply is what it is sometimes.

When it comes to your personal finances, you may recognize blind spots, and vow to make some necessary changes

Collectively speaking, we should expect more shake-ups and news surrounding the financial structures/institutions that we currently rely on. Our relationship to money may shift. This may be the time to make future plans that you had not previously entertained. As always: be your own guru.

All in all : the only two ‘don’t do’s’ I would suggest would be not to allow a toxic situation back into your life just because it comes ‘a knocking, and do not have any type of elective cosmetic procedures under Venus Retrograde, as you may not be happy with the results!

Other than that? Live like you always do, be open to self-reflection and change. Contemplate your love nature and what you value, analyze what you prioritize and reprioritize accordingly.

If new relationships enter your reality, there is no reason NOT to engage just take the time to make sure that it is in alignment with your soul. A little prudence goes a long way!

If you would like to download your Venus Retrograde reading by your Sun and/or rising sign, here is the link to the vidoes.

Let me know how you are feeling/experiencing it.

Much Love,


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