
Welcome December…A Special Time For Love And Thanks, Why Not Give The Gift Of Insight?

‘Rabbit Rabbit’.

Today is the 1st of the month- Happy December!

Rabbit Rabbit is an auspicious thing to say on every first of the month.  It is said to ensure good luck for the upcoming weeks.

December will be an energetic month of shifting and changing, as we get ready to enter into the next year with a fresh new cycle- a clean slate.

To my dear readers and friends:

First I’d like to thank you all for taking the time to write to me when something resonates with you, for validating your experiences with me, for sharing your energy with me and most importantly, for your continued referrals.

 I am extremely grateful for all of you.

Starting today and for the whole month of December, in lieu of ‘buy one get one half off’ sessions this year (which I normally do for the holidays) every session purchased whether as a gift certificate or regular session- 20% of each session will be donated to the Make-A-Wish foundation which is a charity close to my heart.

Do you know someone that could use a little soul-centered ‘check up’?  Some clarity?  Spiritual empowerment?

Someone that is looking for some direction or guidance while making an important life decision?

Or maybe you have a friend that you know would simply just enjoy a session with me.

No matter what the circumstance, why not give them a great gift?  The gift of insight.

You can purchase sessions and gift certificates by using this link

Once they receive the gift certificate, they use the code provided to view the schedule and set up their session.  It is convenient and easy.

Also- I will be offering two random people the opportunity to receive a complimentary, half-hour telephone session with me- under one condition.  You need to truly not be able to afford a session and I need to feel that this is true.    

The holidays while cheerful for some, are a time of deep despair for others.  Those that are missing loved ones, those that are financially insecure, or just depressed in general.

Sometimes we just need a little acknowledgment and encouragement and a session will often give just that, even amiss negative situations.

All you have to do is shoot me an email here in**@li***********.com

It is totally confidential.  Just tell me why you feel you should receive the session or if you are suggesting it for a friend or family member- why they should receive it, and I will reach out to the person I feel is right.

Also-check out this awesome ‘Holiday Gift Guide’ that my author/sister puts together every year.  It has some really hip, functional and affordable gift ideas for everyone on your list!

Peace Love & Light To All,


Much Love,


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