
Welcome October! The Flavor For The Weeks Ahead..

I love October.  

Ah, my favorite month of the year.  The air gets crispy, we experience chilly mornings and evenings, the smell of burnt leaves and fire, apple & pumpkin everything, and Halloween!  What more could you ask for?

The vibe of October can be described right now as intense yet chill at the same time.  

How can this be?

Well, we are under Libra energy which keeps us trying to be as diplomatic as possible.  Libra is all about light-hearted exchanges and peaceful relationships.

Alas, relationships are the focus right now, but October is looking like it may just be anything but peaceful where relationships are concerned.

Why is this?  

Whatever dance the planets are engaging in at any given time, they do affect us ‘down’here’, down here in our psyches, down here in our physical bodies.

When one or more of these planets reverse direction, known as retrograde, the energy intensifies.  The energy turns inward forcing us to focus, reevaluate and realign.

As of 10/5, the bright planet of Venus, the morning star, is going retrograde for 40 days.  Venus is the planet that rules love and finances.  She will turn direct on 11/16.  

Venus is the third brightest object in the sky, the brightest after the Sun and the Moon.

Venus affects us deeply, she influences how we give and receive love, and when she changes direction, she changes our life too.

Venus transforms.

If you have been following astrology, than you are likely aware that Venus has been very visible from her perch in the sky these past few months, as she was getting ready for her retrograde debut.

This happens once every eighteen-months, for six weeks.  She is impactful, this little Goddess.

Venus is how we love, it is who we love, it is what keeps us safe and happy.  Not comfortable, but happy, there is a difference.  Venus is our pleasure principle.  Venus also rules our money and our creativity.  These areas are also highlighted at this time.  

Venus is currently residing in the sign of Libra, where she is quite lovely and content.

When Venus goes retrograde, she will be in the deep and transformative Water sign of Scorpio.

Scorpio= intensity, passion, our deepest wants and desires, what we love and what we loathe.  The secrets that we keep, all that is taboo- this is Scorpio.

Planet Venus does not feel safe in Scorpio, as issues come bubbling up at this time.

Relationships are tested as we struggle to find and maintain our footing, to assert ourselves for ourselves, to find the bottom line.  To uncover the truth regardless of what we find, or do not find.  *This can be something about yourself as well, does not have to be about ‘the other’, nor is this applicable to relationships, only.

Keep in mind, that if you channel this intense energy constructively, something wonderful can come out of it.  Retrogrades are a time to go inward, to reflect.

More on this energy, Vlog below.

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Peace & Love,


Much Love,


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