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Embracing Eclipse Season: Some Spiritual Support

Lunar Eclipse Monday March 25th

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Stressed, wired, anxious, excited and…burnt out? Welcome to Eclipse season!

3/25, 3:00 AM ET- we have our Libra Lunar Eclipse. In the above video, there is a reading through the signs as well.

The world is most definitely in a ‘different’ space than we are used to, than what we can even comprehend at times.

Throw some pretty intense planetary alignments and solar activity into the mix, and well… it is way too easy to lose sight of the bigger picture which is: you are here, you have work to do, and you are loved.

Before we dive into the Eclipse energies , please know that each Sunday I  put out an intuitive astrology & channeled energy forecast for the week ahead.  I give you a day by day play of what the stars are doing, and I bring it down to earth for you.

As above so below.

Along with the weekly report, you receive quite a bit of intuitive insights to help to validate and support you on your spiritual journey.  If that sounds like something you would love to receive, then subscribe to my newsletter right here.

More on the Eclipses

Navigating Eclipse Season: How to support your system and your soul

Do you consider yourself sensitive or empathic?  The truth is, we all are.  Energy is everything.

We are right in Eclipse season, the season where time seems to speed up, yet may feel like it is standing still, all at once.  The more sensitive you are, the more you may even feel like it is a bit eerie, electrifying.

Notice if you have small children in your life, or animals.  You will find that they act out a bit differently, under these energies.  Have you noticed?

Eclipses bring in energy that may feel a bit well, wild and spiritually speaking, Eclipses are a wild card.

Technically speaking, Eclipses occur when the Earth, Sun, and Moon align in such a way that they obscure the illumination of either the Sun and the Moon (Solar), or just the Moon (Lunar).   

The Sun and the Moon are our lights, our power sources literally ,and spiritually.

Eclipses are celestial events that are very symbolic spiritually, and are often preceded and succeeded by swift (sometimes abrupt) endings, and brand new beginnings. 

Personally speaking, we can expect transformation, endings, beginnings, and tremendous spiritual growth when we are dealing with Eclipses.  These time periods will stir up conflict and chaos,  working overtime to spiritually smack us around and pay attention. 

Are you doing your soul work?  Something needs to change and the Eclipses will T- up the reminders.  Conflict and chaos can be of the best kind, so don’t despair!

Sure, upheaval and unpredictability are also possible under these energies however: on the other side of that they are major catalysts for change, for accelerated forward motion and momentum, busting you out of a rut and propelling you forward on your spiritual journey.  After all, that is what we are here to do… to grow, to change, to raise our vibration and become the most authentic version of self.

At the end of the day remind yourself that we are souls here having a human experience, not the other way around!  Our physical body is the spacesuit for our spiritual house, our soul.  We must tend to it, nurture it, protect it and honor it and Eclipse season will pull focus onto where you need to clean house totally, or simply do a minor renovation.

Still with me?  Awesome, there’s more.

On Monday, April 8th, we have a Total Solar Eclipse, in Aries. This one is also setting the stage for some major changes.

In the below video, I give you more insights into how this energy lands, and how to take extra care of yourself. I also, quickly show you how to determine where these particular Eclipses will impact you personally.  I give you a very easy way to see it in your own birth chart, and understand it at a deeper level. You can grab your birth chart, right here.

The Total Solar Eclipse

Take good care of yourself!

Much Love,


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